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Predictions for 2019

Started by Anonymous, December 23, 2018, 03:04:52 PM

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What do you see happening in the next year?  Here's what could and likely will happen in Canada.

From Anthony Furey of Sun News Media

llegal migration: Ever since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signalled his virtue to the world via his #WelcomeToCanada tweet in January 2017, we've had a quasi-permanent illegal border crossing at Roxham Road. While Trudeau has handed out a few dollars to the provinces and relished in implying any critics of the status quo are racist, the truth is that the numbers (about 1,500 per month) show no signs of declining anytime soon.

Our previously admired immigration system is now at risk with self-selected migrants coming across on their own terms. This summer, a senior federal official told Cornwall city council that this is the new normal for Canada and we should expect to see things become more like the unplanned migration phenomenon that now plagues Europe.

This is already tearing at the social fabric, and now Canadians are rightly concerned that gestures like signing on to the UN compact on migration will make the situation worse and not better.

Our previously admired immigration system is now at risk with self-selected migrants coming across on their own terms. This summer, a senior federal official told Cornwall city council that this is the new normal for Canada and we should expect to see things become more like the unplanned migration phenomenon that now plagues Europe.

This is already tearing at the social fabric, and now Canadians are rightly concerned that gestures like signing on to the UN compact on migration will make the situation worse and not better.

The carbon tax: Trudeau tried to keep it off the agenda at the First Ministers meeting, but the likes of Ontario Premier Doug Ford wouldn't have it. The tax is much loathed and under siege even in the courts. A strategically wise politician would just dump the darn thing, like Trudeau smartly did the other year with the electoral reform mess. But no, Trudeau, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna and right-hand man Gerald Butts are all True Believers. So much so that now that their backs are up against the wall on this issue they've become surprisingly nasty in how they respond to their critics. Sunny ways are long gone with this government.

The Liberals seem willing to go down with the good ship Climate Alarmism if that's what it takes to ram this tax down the provinces' throats. The courts may indeed rule against the Liberals and the provinces will celebrate. But even if they don't, it sure takes a lot of guts (or perhaps cluelessness?) for Trudeau to run for re-election on forcing a tax on provinces strongly opposed to it. Do not expect this issue to go away and don't expect it to end well for Trudeau.

Debt: There's already been a lot of ink spilled on the year-end poll numbers released by the Angus Reid Institute. They show Trudeau less popular than ever, declining from a high approval rating of 63% in Dec. 2015 down to 35% today. And the line doesn't go up and down. It's all southbound, a downward trend.

There's another very curious part to the pollster's latest release though and it has to do with debt and deficits. More Canadians picked "deficit / government spending" as their top issue of concern. This was the pick for 28% of respondents with 21% each for the economy, environment and healthcare.

That is actually huge news. It was in the early 1990s that Democratic strategist James Carville gave us the mantra "it's the economy, stupid", meaning voters' top concern will always be the economy. These new numbers really tell us just how problematic Trudeau's sizeable deficits are to his electoral prospects since it's rather unprecedented to be no longer following Carville's golden rule.

Back in January 2017, I broke the news about the internal finance report that projected deficits until the 2050s. According to the finance department's own words, this "would be sufficient to put at risk the fiscal sustainability of the federal government." The report was so shocking and troubling that I had to call several economists to confirm that I was reading it right. (Unfortunately, I was.)

It looks like Canadians are also looking at these numbers and responding with similar concern. If signs of a recession ramp up next year – as many experts predict – this will further expose the recklessness of Trudeau's approach to budgeting."> ... -next-year">


Because of Trudeau's divisiveness, expect populism to rise in Canada.

Reports of populism's demise were premature. It's happening again both abroad and at home here in Canada.

The most prominent example is the gilets jaunes, the yellow vest movement, that began in France and has bled over into other countries and even seen protests in the streets of Canadian cities this past weekend.

It took weeks of serious protest for President Emmanuel Macron to finally agree to nix the much hated fuel tax increases. And now that he's caved, the disparate groups that have taken to the streets under one big leaderless umbrella want more.

Some want nothing less than the resignation of King Macron, as many over there now call him with a sneer. Others have particular requests, like the youth demanding a halt to student fee increases.

It's funny that the election of Macron – and the defeat of National Front leader Marine Le Pen – was used as an excuse to herald the decline of populism. As if a failure to score a quick hat trick following Brexit and Trump meant the whole thing was done and over.

Whereas instead what's happened is that less than two years of Macron's imperial attitude has been enough to get the populist embers roaring more than any tired old Le Pen stump speech was able to do.

That's the counterintuitive thing about populism. The election of an elitist doesn't just mean it's not over. It may even increase the odds of a populist backlash.

This is where Canada comes in. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's rhetoric has become increasingly divisive and dismissive over the past year. He seems more than pleased at the prospect of fighting the next election over the national carbon tax and immigration, which aren't exactly the most unifying of issues.

And when Trudeau speaks about them, he doesn't use positive messaging. It's all about hectoring those who aren't on board with him as peddling misinformation and vilifying the Conservatives as a bunch of meanies.

Will it work as a re-election strategy? Quite possibly. Many diehard Conservatives I know grudgingly predict a Trudeau minority at this point. And it sure doesn't hurt that the NDP leader is persona non grata and Andrew Scheer fails to inspire.

A victory rooted in the sort of elitist attitude Trudeau now revels in will come at a cost though. It will only turn more of the disaffected against him. Even those who benefit from one or more of his programs, like the enhanced child benefit, can still be turned off by his tsk-tsk tone or his insistence on ramming the carbon tax down protesting provinces' throats.

Next year we could find ourselves in a situation where Trudeau wins re-election but the forces of populism, the frustrations of regular people, only ramp up."> ... up-in-2019">


Seoul, do you have any predictions for the stock market, economic growth, pipelines, and the price of oil, particularly Western Canadian Select which is all Western Canadian produced oil, heavy, light or non traditional?


Quote from: "Fashionista"Seoul, do you have any predictions for the stock market, economic growth, pipelines, and the price of oil, particularly Western Canadian Select which is all Western Canadian produced oil, heavy, light or non traditional?

There will probably be a global softening in economic growth. In the US, there's full employment and the American consumer is spending.

Unknowns are a possible hard landing over Brexit, the ongoing trade war between China and the US which could really take a toll in about eighteen months if not resolved soon. The new US congress pushing impeachment doesn't help/ Add in a disconnect between the Fed and Wall Street and that's a lot potential pitfalls. Still, I see a modest bounce in 2019.

Due to high tax and bureaucratic policies pursued by Trudeau, Canadian economic growth will be slower than the US. The TMX expansion will be shelved indefinitely, Bill C-69 will go through without major changes and Canada's resource sector will be permanently handicapped.

I see oil recovering to the low sixties in a few  short months. As for WCS, expect a wide discount as long as we have  only one  customer that increasingly doesn't need us.


I predict I will drink a lot of barrel wash in 2019.

Thanks to Justine throwing the prairies under the bus, I predict Western separatism to reappear.

I predict Canadians will keep less of their money thanks to Justine's greed.

I predict my old lady and I will go to the Dominican Republic in April.

I predict Mel's only interaction with people will be on forums while he's frickin hammered.


I see Seoulbro dropping 2 off his handicap.

Mel will become a mod at Flea's forum.

"Herman's Barrel Wash" will become a trendy new alcoholic beverage.

Kiebers will break his record of 10 posts per year.

Shen Li will be arrested for espionage on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, and found in possession of hundreds of Huawei mobile phone handsets.

Fash will discover the joys of KFC and buy buckets for her family on weekends.

Joe will find true love, and he and Thiel will move in together.

Thiel will find true love and move out shortly after.

Blurt will finally relent and have "the operation"...his gall bladder pain will be gone forever.

Berry will break her record of four bowel movements in a single day.

Azhya will achieve her ambition of becoming an extra on "The Walking Dead"...without the need for prosthetics and makeup!!!

Zetsu will achieve his highest score ever in "Arena of Valour".

Wazzzup will become Trump's Defence Secretary...because all the others have quit. He will immediately invade California.

Peaches will be charged with collusion with Russia.

Caskur will finally learn what the manual settings on her camera are for.

Iron Horse Jockey will be allowed early retirement, and become a drug lord in Panama.

Vancouverguy will be annointed as "Photographer Of The Year" by National Geographic.

Bricktop will be revered as the greatest poster in the Cashew and thereafter be called "The Exalted One."


Quote from: "Bricktop"I see Seoulbro dropping 2 off his handicap.

Mel will become a mod at Flea's forum.

"Herman's Barrel Wash" will become a trendy new alcoholic beverage.

Kiebers will break his record of 10 posts per year.

Shen Li will be arrested for espionage on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, and found in possession of hundreds of Huawei mobile phone handsets.

Fash will discover the joys of KFC and buy buckets for her family on weekends.

Joe will find true love, and he and Thiel will move in together.

Thiel will find true love and move out shortly after.

Blurt will finally relent and have "the operation"...his gall bladder pain will be gone forever.

Berry will break her record of four bowel movements in a single day.

Azhya will achieve her ambition of becoming an extra on "The Walking Dead"...without the need for prosthetics and makeup!!!

Zetsu will achieve his highest score ever in "Arena of Valour".

Wazzzup will become Trump's Defence Secretary...because all the others have quit. He will immediately invade California.

Peaches will be charged with collusion with Russia.

Caskur will finally learn what the manual settings on her camera are for.

Iron Horse Jockey will be allowed early retirement, and become a drug lord in Panama.

Vancouverguy will be annointed as "Photographer Of The Year" by National Geographic.

Bricktop will be revered as the greatest poster in the Cashew and thereafter be called "The Exalted One."



Quote from: "Bricktop"I see Seoulbro dropping 2 off his handicap.

Mel will become a mod at Flea's forum.

"Herman's Barrel Wash" will become a trendy new alcoholic beverage.

Kiebers will break his record of 10 posts per year.

Shen Li will be arrested for espionage on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, and found in possession of hundreds of Huawei mobile phone handsets.

Fash will discover the joys of KFC and buy buckets for her family on weekends.

Joe will find true love, and he and Thiel will move in together.

Thiel will find true love and move out shortly after.

Blurt will finally relent and have "the operation"...his gall bladder pain will be gone forever.

Berry will break her record of four bowel movements in a single day.

Azhya will achieve her ambition of becoming an extra on "The Walking Dead"...without the need for prosthetics and makeup!!!

Zetsu will achieve his highest score ever in "Arena of Valour".

Wazzzup will become Trump's Defence Secretary...because all the others have quit. He will immediately invade California.

Peaches will be charged with collusion with Russia.

Caskur will finally learn what the manual settings on her camera are for.

Iron Horse Jockey will be allowed early retirement, and become a drug lord in Panama.

Vancouverguy will be annointed as "Photographer Of The Year" by National Geographic.

Bricktop will be revered as the greatest poster in the Cashew and thereafter be called "The Exalted One."

That was outstanding Bricktop.



My predictions have a 95% accuracy, so you know this one will come true. Gaon and cc will elope and move to Israel. Together, they will recruit Scouse to work as a double agent for Mossad infiltrating nazi groups throughout Europe.


Oh ya, and I will continue to moan about the direction Canada is heading in.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"My predictions have a 95% accuracy, so you know this one will come true. Gaon and cc will elope and move to Israel. Together, they will recruit Scouse to work as a double agent for Mossad infiltrating nazi groups throughout Europe.



I missed Gaon!!! But IHJ's cannot be topped!!!


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"My predictions have a 95% accuracy, so you know this one will come true. Gaon and cc will elope and move to Israel. Together, they will recruit Scouse to work as a double agent for Mossad infiltrating nazi groups throughout Europe.


Berry Sweet

Quote from: "Bricktop"

Berry will break her record of four bowel movements in a single day.

 :laugh3:  with the help of nutracleanse!


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "Bricktop"

Berry will break her record of four bowel movements in a single day.

 :laugh3:  with the help of nutracleanse!

Seem like an achievable resolution.